Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Sublime And The Ridiculous

The sublime?  In short -- radio silence From Trump.  Thank you, social media, for kicking him out.  If I could, I would send you each a pan of lasagna, and a pan of baklava, made with my own two hands.

Ahhh, Trump radio silence.  The feeling is kind of like when you come home from a long, busy, horrible day at work, and find the kids are all at sleepovers, your husband's decided to spend a guy's night out, and you have the house to yourself.  Which comes off first, the shoes or the bra?  (In this house, it's the bra).  You order Chinese delivery, and since we're in the middle of a pandemic, it comes contact-free (good, since you're running around without a bra or shoes, and it's been at least twenty years since you had pretty feet).  While you're at it, you go to your secret stash, where you're hiding the chocolates, and the microwave popcorn, and pull them out.  And that bottle of peach wine from the back of the fridge that hubby says is too girly for him to drink.  You watch a rom-com on the couch.  Hubby calls to say he's gonna be late, so you sink into a hot bubble bath till you resemble a prune, and finish the night in front of the bedroom TV watching Lifeguard, starring a young and mostly shirtless Sam Elliot.  You see (spoiler alert!) he doesn't quite commit to the Anne Archer character, but you know damn well if that were you he was considering, you could lasso him.  You fall asleep meditating on that...

Yeah, THAT good.  (Sorry, gentlemen, you'll have to substitute your own fantasy perfect night).

The ridiculous:  Glenn Beck's response to social media kicking Trump out.

"You can't have freedom of speech if you can't have -- if you can't express yourself in a meaningful place.  This is like the Germans with the Jews behind the wall, they would put them in the ghetto.  Well, this is the digital ghetto, you can talk all you want to, Jews, you do whatever you want behind the wall.  Well, that's not meaningful, and that's where we are."

1.   As guaranteed by the First Amendment, freedom of speech cannot be stifled by the government.  The First Amendment has nothing to do with, and does not refer to: your workplace, a business, or a private entity.  Did you read the terms of service when you signed up for Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc.?   Did you click "agree"?

2.   DON'T EVEN!  Compare anything that has happened to Donald Trump and his fellow instigators to what happened to the Jews (and the Gypsies, the disabled, homosexuals, and leftists/socialists, among others who the Nazis also exterminated).

But what can you expect from a guy who is described as: "Glenn Lee Beck (born February 10, 1964) is an American conservative political commentator, conspiracy theorist, radio host, and television producer."

Trump & Co. was a case of abusing it, and losing it.  "It" being freedom of speech on a hosted entity.  Totally fair, totally just, and a first-world problem.  Not even remotely comparable to this (click on "Watch on YouTube" to watch):

Shame on you, Glenn Beck, for even THINKING of saying anything different...

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