Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Da Mobster Prez Is At It Again!

Another year, another Perfect Phone Call!  Too bad it's so late in his term and too much trouble to impeach his miserable ass again...

So for the uninitiated (what rock have you been sleeping under?), Trump is still ragging about his "stolen" election, so, with plenty of witnesses, among them Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and attorney Cleta Mitchell, (who shockingly [/s] was forced by Foley & Lardner LLP to resign from their law firm after this call), phoned Georgia Secretary Of State Brad Raffensberger, requesting/pressuring him to "find" somewhere just enough votes to give him the electoral votes from The Peach State, and threatening what would happen if he didn't.  Here is a link to a recording and transcript of Perfect Call #2, and a little light music for you follows:

Happy Electoral College Vote Count Day!

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