Thursday, June 18, 2020

None Of This

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  Here are a few for you.  Maybe you've seen it all before, but don't forget, we are documenting for the future.  We want this on record for posterity, don't we?

So, here we see Martin Gugino, 75, being pushed by Officers Aaron Torglaski and Robert McCabe of the Buffalo Police Department, as they were clearing away protesters after curfew.  As can be seen, Gugino fell backward, sustaining a head injury that caused him to bleed from his ear.  Both officers have been suspended without pay and charged with felony assault.

It was said in the officers' defense, that Gugino was out after curfew, disobeying the law.  Why, yes, he was.  Indeed, Gugino did not believe the law applied to protesters.  "Protests are exempt from curfews because Congress (and mayors) may make no laws that abridge the right of the people peaceably to assemble and complain to the government,” he tweeted early the day of the protest.  Yes, he did approach the officers and was attempting to speak to them.  I'm not sure how any of that earned the officers the right to shove an elderly person, perhaps causing permanent injury.  Yet, the officers may not be convicted or even indicted for the Shove Seen 'Round The World.  Lovely.

Some folks look at the above video and think that somehow Gugino was trying to jam signals on the electronic equipment of the officers.  It looked to me like he was gesturing at the steps with his phone, in lieu of his hand, since had both hands full.  Some, not to mention Donald Trump, suggest Gugino fell harder than was pushed.  Perhaps these folks haven't spent time around elderly people.  The balance is not quite what it used to be.  But then, Trump found that out over the weekend, didn't he?

As I mentioned, the pictures tell the story, so here are a few more without Your Crusading Blogger belaboring it with too many words.

Here are the police, warming up the crowds before a Presidential photo op?:

Here is another oldster being escorted by Salt Lake City police:

And an Atlanta cop showing a lady his shiny bike:

Here are a few places where so much more of this charming behavior is being documented, lest we forget or be overwhelmed:

And just for the hell of it, the police also let the press into the fun, starting with Omar Jiminez from CNN and his crew:

Besides Omar and his crew, here is a story, replete with videos, of the close encounters several reporters had the pleasure of having with police lately.  Here is another, and yet another.

We all give our money, our time, our hopes, and our dreams to this country.  Is this the America we're investing in?

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Dateline: The Playbook Tonight

I hope my readers who are inclined will take a look at this tonight, perhaps it will be useful in informing voting decisions in November.  Dateline, NBC tonight, June 13.  8 PM Eastern Time, check your local listings.

And apparently, you can create a profile and watch for free, here.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Less Of This

I guess high school was the first time I ever heard the word "puke" used as a verb.  A certain male with a mean-girl attitude told a girl, "You puke me."  I thought it was a silly misuse of words, but I have reconsidered the last few days.

Lt. Robert Cattani, who along with three other cops took a knee in a May 30 protest in Foley Square, NY,

unfortunately repented his action (needled/threatened by some of the other good ol' boys in blue?) in this incredible document, written a scant four days later:

What a lightweight!  Frank Meyers, this weenie isn't fit to shine your shoes!

While doing research for this post, I stumbled upon this equally incredible tweet from Juanita Broaddrick:

The name Juanita Broaddrick may ring a bit of a hazy bell with you, as it did me.

 From Wikipedia:

"Juanita Broaddrick is an American former nursing home administrator. In 1999, she alleged that U.S. President Bill Clinton raped her in April 1978 when he was the Attorney General of Arkansas. Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, denied the allegations on his client's behalf, and Clinton declined to comment further on the issue.

Juanita Broaddrick
Juanita Smith


Nursing home administrator

Known for:
Allegedly, being raped by Bill Clinton in 1978

Home town:
Van Buren, Arkansas, U.S.

Rumors had circulated about Broaddrick's allegation for years and it had been recorded in a letter prepared by a Republican rival of Clinton's around 1991, but she refused to speak to news media until 1999. In a sworn statement in 1997 with the placeholder name "Jane Doe #5",[1] Broaddrick filed an affidavit with Paula Jones' lawyers stating there were unfounded rumors and stories circulating "that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. ... These allegations are untrue".[2] She then recanted that statement to investigators of potential misconduct by Clinton led by Kenneth Starr, while insisting at the time that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way. Starr declined to further investigate the issue, and mentioned it only in a footnote of his final report..."

I can't decide whether this woman is confused, an opportunist, or just someone who decided if she couldn't beat the Good Ol' Boys Club, she'd join 'em.  Either way, the stomach rolled as I scrolled her Twitter feed, and read her put-downs of half the country.   You folks who spend copious amounts of time on social media are clearly tougher than I am.  Sigh.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Check Your Privilege

So, ten years ago, Your Crusading Blogger went away on what turned out to be my last awaycation.  I took a bus up to Niagara Falls, ON for my usual third week in July soirèe.  I found out the day before my return that my ride home from the bus station had been cancelled, necessitating the making of other plans.

I was beyond lucky that when I called a friend who I hadn't seen in a while, he was willing at the drop of a hat to change his plans and bring me home, for which trouble I promised to reward him mightily.  The next day, I found out how much trouble...

At the appointed time, Steve and his sister-in-law came to pick me up at the deserted bus station.  I was kind of down at the end of a beautiful vacation, and even more so, realizing that I would not have another opportunity to vacay in Niagara for 51 weeks.  (If I had had any idea that I would be staycationing for the next 10 years and counting, my spirits really would've nosedived, but I digress)...

About a half a mile from the bus stop, blue and red lights began to flash behind us.  Steve pulled over.  "What the hell?"  I burst out.  "You weren't speeding, so why..."

"My tags are expired," Steve explained.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!  I would never have called you if I had known..."

"Not your fault, Claudia."

Presently a courteous police officer came to tell Steve about his expired tags, then began to run a "make" on Steve's license, etc.  I reached a hand in the inside pocket of my jacket for my cell phone so I could call home to tell them I'd be a little late.

"What the hell are you doing?!  Keep still and keep your hands in sight!"  Steve's shout startled me.

"What?  What are you talking about?"

It should go without saying that in my world, when you are stopped by the police, you should be polite, even obsequious, when you speak to the officer.  You should answer the officer's questions briefly, follow directions, apologize, say thank you, i.e., suck up.  Maybe if you suck up well enough, you won't get a ticket.

In Steve's world, you should do all of the above, plus keep very, very still, keep your hands in sight at all times.   Do not move, unless directed by the officer, and even then, indicate what you are doing, "Offcer, I am reaching in to my glove box, I'm getting my registration...", etc.  Breathe very, very carefully.

And maybe you won't be brutalized.  Maybe you get to go home alive.  It was my first real experience with my white privilege.  I was 45 years old.

How about you?  Well, just in case you are unsure, here is a Check Your Privilege Quiz, I invite you to take it.  I DARE you to take it:

The Check Your Privilege Quiz

– Put a finger down if you have been called a racial slur.

– Put a finger down if you've been followed in a store unnecessarily.

– Put a finger down if someone has crossed the street in order to avoid passing you.

– Put a finger down if you've had someone clench their purse in an elevator with you.

– Put a finger down if you've had someone step off of an elevator to keep from riding with you.

– Put a finger down if you've been accused of not being able to afford something expensive.

– Put a finger down if you've had mortal fear in your heart when being stopped by the police.

– Put a finger down if you've never been given a pass on a citation you deserved.

– Put a finger down if you have been stopped or detained by police for no valid reason.

– Put a finger down if you have been bullied solely because of your race.

– Put a finger down if you've been denied service solely because of the color of your skin.

– Put a finger down if you've ever had to teach your children how not to get killed by the police.

Monday, June 1, 2020

More Of This

Thank you Genesee, Michigan County Sheriff Christopher Swanson.  Thank you, and a Shout-Out for helping to bring order to the chaos, sanity and understanding to the instability.  Exactly what the doctor ordered.  May your heart-attitude be mirrored until it replaces Covid-19 (and fear) as the most contagious things around.