Sunday, March 8, 2020

A Little Help From You, Please

So, an unusual departure here at Call-Outs And Shout-Outs.  I need your help.  You see, I work with a group of young folks.  A pair of them make music, not my style, but by God, you can tell that they are talented, professional, and passionate about their art.  They put in a lot of hours with Your Crusading Blogger, known at her workplace as That Bitch Who Makes You Clean.  They do pretty damn good work most days, especially when they work with me ;)

When I went into work yesterday, they were very concerned about a friend of theirs who is missing.  With no more ado from me, here is what the young man's mom posted on social media:

Emmanuel Davis
Height: 6'-6'2"
 Weight - 145-160 lbs.

Please folks, especially those in the Brooklyn, New York area where Emmanuel was last seen, keep an eye out, let's get this young man back with his loved ones.  I hope all those who read this will send out some prayers and positivity toward this end.  God is with you, Emmanuel.

Note, 3/10, Emmanuel has been found and is home with his family.  Thank you all for your love and prayers for him; they were indeed answered.