Sunday, July 26, 2020


Yes, folks, Your Crusading Blogger is indeed speechless.  And those who know me personally know that ain't an event that happens every day!

For those who are still not prepared to accept the dire nature of this pandemic, I offer the following:

Remember all the folks who said Medicare For All would come to this?  SMH.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Must-See TV!

Do y'all need a laugh?  Here is an episode of "Trackdown", a 1957-59 western from CBS television network about a Texas Ranger who tracks down all manner of evildoers.  If Sheriff Chet Farris looks or sounds familiar to you, It is because he is portrayed by Dabbs Greer, who played Reverend Alden on Little House On The Prairie.  Check it out:


Monday, July 13, 2020


So many people were dying to have a businessman for their president.  Your Crusading Blogger herself would have voted for Ross Perot in 1992, had he not dropped out of the presidential race.  I saw him here in Da Burgh and was very impressed with him -- fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, Ross Perot was appealing after a dozen years of "Uncle Ronnie" Reagan, and George "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" Bush.

Well, friends, we now have a businessman for a president, and what a wheeler-dealer he is!

We have learned that Trump wanted to sell Puerto Rico in 2017, after Hurricane Maria savaged the island.  Because, you know, it's always a sound principle in business to sell when your product is at its worst, right?   But, you know, maybe we're attached to Puerto Rico And Puerto Ricans, and wouldn't it be better to get them back on their feet again?  And what the hell, see if maybe they would enjoy statehood?

And we saw Trump's tremendous business acumen again just two years later in 2019 when it was announced Trump wanted to buy Greenland.  Laughable, only because, as Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen pointed out, Greenland wasn't for sale.  And this blogger speculates that, even if it were, it is unlikely Fredriksen would have ever sold it to Trump, the self-described "bull in a china shop"!  And when Fredriksen said no, Trump displayed his famous even temper, calling her "nasty", his favorite insult for uppity women who have the nerve to deny or disagree with him, and then he dissed NATO while he was at it.  Ya gotta love him, doncha?

This blogger has no idea why Donald Trump's businesses suffered six bankruptcies, do you?

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Shout-Out To Ah-nold!

Your Crusading Blogger never thought she'd live to see the day when she would agree with Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Politics makes strange bedfellows, that's for sure.  Thank you, Mr. Schwarzenegger, for giving me a much-needed boost!  And for giving me more reason to hope that the right hand side of the aisle hasn't totally lost its ever-lovin' mind.