Saturday, March 1, 2025

An Open Letter To The Ukrainian People

Hello, Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA, USA!

Please know that President Trump does not represent all of the American people.  He certainly does not represent me.

I support Ukraine.  The Ukrainian people have my deep admiration for how they have fought Russia.  That war was supposed to be over in three days, three weeks at most!  But is still raging on three years later, a testimony to the Ukrainian people's strength, toughness and belief in their country, their freedom.  

Keep it up, Ukrainians!  You are an inspiration!  Your leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is an example of how a leader ought to behave and conduct himself.  He is much more presidential than our current president.  You deserve to be proud of him, and yourselves! 

Trump says Zelenskyy has no cards.  Every day is symbolized by a card.  I offer this card, my birthday card:

"The Jack of Diamonds embraces life's obstacles with cunning and flexibility.  He's a harbinger of opportunity cloaked in the guise of challenge."

Now you have a card, Ukraine and Mr. Zelenskyy!  May it bring you victory and ultimately, peace.

Praying to God for you,

Claudia McCall

Folks, I emailed a copy of this letter to the Ukrainian Embassy.  Here are two addresses you can use if you wish to do the same:

And if you would like to send the Ukrainian people some cards, you can Google the pic of any card you like, and if you would like to send a unique symbol of yourself or someone else, with the meaning attached like I did:

There you can get the meaning of any card, any day or birthday.  Let's flood the zone!

And my fellow Americans, I know that is what Trump and his acolytes are doing.  I know many of us may feel overwhelmed and helpless right now.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself --  nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror -- which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."  -- Franklin D Roosevelt

Now let us get moving, and those feelings will pass.

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