Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Two Types Of Political Discourse...

Four days ago, Ronna McDaniel and the RNC made probably the most ballsy, albeit ridiculous statement I have ever seen in 56 years upon this planet.

Ronna.  RNC.  Dearhearts.  Allow Claudia to school you.  Allow Claudia to bring you back from the brink of the abyss of madness and unreality you have apparently fallen into.  Here are a few examples of legitimate political discourse:

And here are a few examples of illegitimate political discourse:

Obviously, there are some on the right-hand side of the aisle who are confused, as they have spent the last several years condemning the former, and praising the latter, which is why I thought it necessary to illustrate the difference.

What is interesting to me is how rapidly the Republican Party is choosing sides over this issue, after the last year of mostly falling into line behind TFG, at least for public consumption.  What's up with that?  Is it the House Select Committee's investigation into the January 6, 2021 riot on the Capitol?  All the investigations into Tangerine Man?  Are some members of the Elephant Herd staking out some more moderate ground with the 2022 midterm elections in sight, hoping perhaps to attract some Independents or moderate/centrist Democrats into the Pachyderm Fold?

Well, here are a few who may just be turning from elephants into RINOs, at least according to some:




And this from Moscow Mitch (Holy Brain Seizures, Batman!): 



Well ain't this news cycle just interesting as hell?

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