Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Too P*ssed To Title

As you can tell, I'm really mad, so I'm going to make this brief and not very diplomatic.  If anyone out there believes this happy horsesh*t that an apparently previously healthy 42-year-old police officer died of "natural causes after suffering two strokes" in the wake of being conked on the noggin and sprayed with bear spray, well, I have no printable words for them.

If the reader will check out this article, they will be able to discern what likely happened to Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick.  And something else:  the use of bear spray/tear gas is forbidden by the Geneva Convention, and for good reason.  It can kill people with disorders of the respiratory and central nervous systems.  That doesn't make it illegal to use on civilians, and police may find it expedient to use on aggressive suspects and rioters.  Whether this use is morally correct, or if there are better and equally expedient methods or not is a debate for another time.  But bear spray/tear gas is not an innocuous substance for everyone ten minutes or more after neutralization.  It kills some people, yet it is legal to buy and possess in all 50 states.  I would bet everything I own and have been busting my hump to fix up for the last 13 months that it was at least a large contributor to the death of Officer Sicknick.  Natural causes after two strokes, my @$$!

How will this autopsy result affect the cases against Julian Khater and George Tanios, charged in the death of Officer Sicknick?  Stay tuned...

RIP, Officer Brian Sicknick.

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