Saturday, February 8, 2025

I Beseech You

So the news has come to me that there was a stabbing at the protests in LA last night, leaving a 17-year-old hospitalized with critical injuries.

Folks, it gratifies me to no end to see an increasing number of us exercising our First Amendment right to protest.  It is the cornerstone of our rights as Americans.

But, please, oh please, let us do this the right way.

People, I have said this before, but it bears repeating:  We must conduct ourselves properly at all times in our endeavors.  We do ourselves and our cause no favors by embracing or employing violence or approaching our protests from a place of anger.  While our anger is understandable, we must channel it properly into steadfast, resolute, relentless and wise action.  To do otherwise will not further our Progressive values, nor bring the vision of America we are seeking to fruition.

There are those whose sympathies may be inclined our way, and who may be disposed to join us, if we represent the rightness of our cause by the rightness of our words and actions.  Anger and violence will turn them off, and at best, keep them on the sidelines where they cannot help us, and at worst, persuade them to join those who want to further the current administration's agenda.

And the other consideration is that violence at our protests will give  the current administration all the visual evidence they need to use their power in the way that they already tend and itch to do: in a stifling, authoritarian manner, and with answering, crushing violence of their own.  And unlike us, they will have the long arm of the law to back them up.  Not to mention the longer microphone of the media -- to the tune of approximately 200 radio stations in approximately 153 markets across the US, and of course FOX news, OANN, Newsmax, etc., constantly blaring carefully edited versions of their slant.

Let us not play in to those hands.