Saturday, June 11, 2022

Out Of The Woodwork

If you weren't watching your calendar, how would you know it's Pride Month?

Well, I guess you could tell by the images of the LGBTQIA+ community celebrating:

Or you could tell by the attacks on them, verbal and otherwise.  These are sad and scary.  And particularly deplorable when made by members of the clergy:

And let the record show that I, a victim of a (very heterosexual) pedophile, find the third speaker, Pastor Jonathan Shelley, particularly contemptible.   

Homosexuality ≠ Pedophilia.  And I'm damned sick and tired of hearing that it does.  Let us pull our heads from our asses, shall we?                                  

Got a minute?  Here's a pastor, Reverend Ed Trevors, who explains in a true Christian and scholarly way, some of the Scripture quoted and (mis)taught by these aforementioned heretical and hypocritical pastors:

Now mind you, I'm not sure I'm down with calling the heretics "asshats" anymore -- I am aware that when we dehumanize a fellow human being, it makes some comfortable with everything from marginalizing to battery and murder.  I believe in furthering progressive values always, and we do ourselves no favors when we cross those kind of lines, like the recent assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.  But otherwise I am down with the Reverend Ed, and what he represents.  

Can we please, literally for the love of God, get it together, people?

May the LGBTQIA+ community be safe from hate groups, as well.