Thursday, February 6, 2020

Never In A Hundred, Never In A Thousand, Never In A Million Years

Ah, such a predictable couple of days!

The inevitable Senate vote to acquit Donald J. Trump of two impeachment counts; Trump's narcissistic victory lapNancy Pelosi's defense of her tearing up the "manifesto of untruths" that was Trump's State Of The Union Address; even the protest of Trump's acquittal at the Capitol...not a surprise.

What, after 54 years on this spinning ball of mud, still has the power to flabbergast Your Crusading Blogger?

That she would have anything at all in common with, or any kind words for, Utah Senator Mitt Romney, he of The Brass Balls.  Take a look:

Just wow.  I know Senator Romney voted to allow witnesses to testify in the impeachment hearings, yet never did I dream that Romney would have the fortitude to vote for impeachment, but indeed be did, as the above video testifies in detail.  I can think of no other reason but that he was driven by honor and principle, because the Senator will suffer serious repercussions down the line, on that you may make book.  Senator Romney, this blogger salutes your courage, sir, one big Shout-Out to you!

I also want to salute Adam Schiff, and Congressional Democrats for doing their best in an uphill battle and against a flawed American system of guaranteeing Presidential accountability.  Sadly, it is probably true that Trump has only been emboldened by recent events, no matter what the Collins/Murkowski faction may choose to tell themselves. This is because people like Trump do not think like you and I -- he thinks that the rule of law does not apply to him:

And increasingly, many people feel the same, both about Trump, and about themselves.  But take heart, my fellow Americans, because I believe that a majority of us still believe in rules, laws, fairness and due process.  And as long as you do, God willing, I will be here to document, opine and testify!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Not really much we can say about our Prevaricator-In-Chief's rambling monologue last night, is there?  A typical re-election bid, full of half-truths, lies, damned lies and statistics.  Woe betide us!

Your Crusading Blogger attempted to fact-check Trump's mess of a speech: here is the incredibly exhaustive version; while you will find here a version that will boggle the brain a bit less.  Ye gods!  I've never had a hangover, but somehow I know exactly what one feels like after seeing the speech and then playing Count The Canards today.

Also disheartening is the way Trump refused to shake Nancy Pelosi's hand when she offered it to him; even more disappointing is Nancy Pelosi tearing up her copy of the State Of The Union Address.  (Here is the story of both of those incidents).  I understand you are fed up, Nance, but reacting that way was not classy and will not advance Progressive values.  You are the example-setter, Nancy, and in that, last night, you failed.  If only you could have lived up to your later tweet:

Lastly, a graphic to challenge a few more of Trump's fabrications:

Monday, February 3, 2020

It's What's For Dinner

Well, folks, our Provocateur-In-Chief is at it again.  The objects of his wrath this time?  Why, AOC and the Radical Left, of course.  Well, I'll let His Orangeness tell you all about it:

"During this campaign season, the good people of Iowa have had a front-row seat to the lunacy and the madness of the totally sick left,"  Trump told a crowd in Des Moines.

"The Green New Deal, which would crush our farms, destroy our wonderful cows. They want to kill our cows. You know why, right? You know why?"

"Don't say it. They want to kill our cows. That means you're next," he said.

O-kayyy!  Wow, all over the map here. I mention in passing that his rhapsody over the "wonderful cows" almost makes him sound a bit lefty to my ears, but I digress.

Let's take his statements apart one by one, it's almost too much fun!

As far as The Green New Deal's specifics, this Wikipedia article maps it out for the edification of the individual.  It is well worth mentioning that the GND pre-dates the advent of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the political scene by at least ten years, so it is rather disingenuous for anyone to really attach her name to it.  As one can glean from the Wikipedia article, the GND also enjoys wide support globally.  For what it is worth, though, Your Crusading Blogger doesn't even favor all aspects of the GND, although as as a general thing, I do advocate most of it, and I am a very, very far-left lefty.

For the hell of it, let's digress a bit and see how far-left a lefty Your Crusading Blogger is!  This is a picture of where I fall on the political spectrum, courtesy of

Yep, that big red dot is me.  Pretty far-left lefty, yes?  And for the further hell of it, here is my result from the 8 Values Test:

(Your Crusading Blogger includes all this information to provide tools for those new to the political scene to help them identify their political values so they will learn to vote those values, and not fall for sound bites and personality politics, and thereby vote in their best interests, whatever those might be.  As well as to illustrate how far-left this blogger is, which, as you can see, is pretty far-left, which being classified a social libertarian should prove.)

So, skimming the aforementioned Wikipedia article, we learned the the GND was about moving away from using petroleum and carbon-based energy sources, moving toward clean, renewable energy sources, and cutting greenhouse gas output.  What does this have to do with cows?  Yes, cows do produce a fair amount of greenhouse gases, but the vast majority of greenhouse gas output is man-made, and is therefore fixable by man, in ways that have nothing to do with cows.

Furthermore, I hate to break it to ya, Mr. Trump, but cows are raised for food and milk.  They are raised to be killed.  Otherwise how would you be able to enjoy your hamberders and milkshapes?  What would you put in your covfefe?

As this article and this article amply demonstrate, factory farms, not the GND, are the largest and most immediate threat to the the average American farmer, and by contributing to antibiotic resistance, are a huge danger to the average American citizen.

It is certainly true that many lefties are vegetarians and vegans because they love animals, hate factory farming, and for many other reasons.  And when I grow up, I want be just like them.  But in the meantime, this far-left lefty enjoys her beef -- it's what's for dinner!  And this blogger would like to take this opportunity to share a picture of her dinner plate this evening:

Yes, a steak and baked potato with butter and sour cream, and a few vegetables lost their lives today so I could have that baked potato, some grilled onions and mushrooms, and a salad, too.  I did this in honor of a very confused man who sounds like he needs a long rest.  Let's give him one in November!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Mr. Trump, Tear Down This Wall! (Before It Falls Down)

You might be surprised to know on the day after the Senate voted not to interview witnesses for the Trump Impeachment trial, that Your Crusading Blogger is smiling, but I am.  Nay, I am laughing!  Why?  Well, I'm glad you asked!

Trump's Border Wall Takes A Windy Tumble

The CBS News video shows a newly-rebuilt portion of the wall hitting the deck in 37 MPH winds.  Good thing Trump is not building this wall in Da Burgh, where high wind warnings are the least of your worries n'at, because, ya know, who'da thunk it that it'd be windy in the Mexican desert?!

This follows viral videos from the last few months of of folks climbing the wall, getting down the other side, and making it look easy; and and an 8-year-old girl easily climbed a replica of the wall.  In case we are tempted to believe the child was some kind of climbing prodigy, the preceding article goes on to enumerate how a man juggling with one hand, and a 75-year old mountain climber also scaled replicas of Mr. Trump's "impenetrable" wall.  Can the Geico caveman be far behind?!

Give it up, Mobster Prez!  You are not a builder!  Bully, sí, builder, no!