Wednesday, May 29, 2019

To A Tee

Well, I can't even believe I'm writing this Call-Out.

Did you ever see or hear something kind of silly, some tiny little off-the-wall thing that shouldn't bother you, that for some reason just drives you around the bend?  Something that you can't let go?  Well, folks, Your Crusading Blogger had just such an experience today.  It is, perhaps, so silly, that I should probably be embarrassed to blog about it.  And yet, here I go...

Today, a customer walked in to Coffee Paradise wearing a T-shirt that truly offended me.  No explicit pictures or F-bombs, no sexism, violence or hate, but merely this saying:

      "Maybe Love Should Be Optional."

It should be noted that Your Crusading Blogger is no stranger to snarky T-shirts, once upon a time wearing practically everywhere T-shirts that smirked, "So Many Ninnies, So Little Time", "Tact Is For People Who Aren't Witty Enough To Be Sarcastic", and similar messages.  With the privilege of wearable art comes the responsibility of occasional defense, explanation, and/or deflection.  I was mystified and very curious.   Was this shirt making reference to a pop-culture phenomenon I was unaware of?  So, not challengingly, but pleasantly, conversationally, I asked the customer, an attractive young woman, why love should be optional, and she answered,

*Mumble, stumble, stutter, stammer.*

People, I don't know about you, but I'm about up to here with The Prevaricating President and his rotating Band Of Enabling Justice-Obstructors.  I'm fed up with the right wing and the left wing of the Eagle too busy pointing fingers at each other to fly.  And people taking chances with their life and limb, (and mine), just to get one car length ahead on the road.  People too busy talking on their new iPhones to talk to the person in front of them.

Seems to me we need more love, not less.

Seems to me we're going to hell in our present state.  Which is what I told the young lady.  I don't know if telling her that was a good idea.

But somebody's gotta stick up for love.