Sunday, November 25, 2018

Mr. Peabody Award

So, I want to introduce The Latest Sensation here on Call-Outs And Shout-Outs.  It's an honor I have decided to call the Mr. Peabody Award.  This distinction is to be periodically given to those individuals who have shown amazing insight and wisdom, and who demonstrate an eagerness to listen, research, and truly understand all aspects of a particular subject (said with sarcasm).  Especially when they evidence intention to flay and upbraid others with this supposed insight and wisdom.

Today's Mr. Peabody Award goes to...well, I don't know her name, but she was a customer at the Coffee Paradise restaurant in The Plaza where I worked the fourth (and for me, the last) busy day of the busy holiday week.  Let's just call her The Dear Lady (TDL).  And let's please do understand that I am actually not picking on any particular person.  Her name could be legion, for she is many, and not always female.  Rather, TDL is representative of a certain category of person, and the story you are about to read is representative of probably a hundred or more similar incidents I've experienced or observed in nearly 22 years in this location.

That said, let me set the stage...

When TDL arrived, at about 10 PM last night, we were finally making progress getting Coffee Paradise cleaned and stocked up after spending most of the previous 7 hours serving a continuous line of customers.  N, at 17, and Coffee Paradise's newest member, was manning the counter and making drinks.  J, a newly-minted adult hired just a few months ago, was on the other side of The Plaza picking up some stock.  I was cleaning and stocking Coffee Paradise's condiment bar.

Presently N took TDL's order.  And forgot to give her her change, $3.24.  N called me over, and asked me what to do.  I said, "No problem.  Just take it out of the tip jar, and write down the amount."  And I went back to my stocking.

Next thing I know, TDL is indignant, telling N, "No, you don't have to do that, she was rude to ask you to do that, just keep it."  WTF?

Then, before I knew it, she was beside my condiment bar, demanding of me, "Are you the manager?"

"No.  Is there something I can help you with?"

"That was just rude the way you asked her to do that.  Surely you could show her how to get her drawer open?"

"Since I'm not the manager, I don't have the ability to get her drawer open," I explained.

"Well surely there's someone here who could and you could've gone and gotten them?"

Not wanting to continue the unpleasantness, I pointed out, "I was just trying to expedite things for you, ma'am," whereupon I continued my work, and unbelievably, TDL continued discussing The Heinousness Of Me (standing six feet away from me) with a lady who had ordered before her, and who had also been waiting for her drink.

(Now let it be said that in my private life I would be sorely tempted to scatter the teeth of a biatch of this ilk like so many Chiclets upon the sidewalk, but I digress).

Then, after receiving her drink (and $3 from the tip jar), she walked away in dire haste.  After she did, I asked N if she was alright, if she had perceived me to be rude, because if she did, I didn't mean to be.  N told me she felt awkward because TDL was so upset and attacking me, and it was uncomfortable because N knew that I had chosen an expedient solution to the problem, and TDL acted like I had punished N in some way.

I replied that I might have tried to explain what was what to TDL, but when some people are angry like that, there's no point.  They're not listening.  They think they are right and that's all they know.  Is it traveler's stress, overblown sense of entitlement, or are they control freaks or classists who look at a 50+ year-old server and see a loser they can abuse?  Who knows?  We just know that such people make what can be a hard job even more difficult.

Well, TDL, here are some free fun facts for you:

1.   When I asked N to give you your change out of the tip jar, it was NOT to punish her in some way.  The idea was, the next time a customer paid with cash, she would re-pay the tip jar $3.24 out of her drawer, then both her drawer and the tip jar would be square and correct.  (The reason I told her to write down the amount).  Which happened approximately 15 minutes after you left.  We do this all the time, as managers do not always hear us calling on The Plaza's PA system, and are not always able to come over immediately when called.  More than 99% of customers understand this at least to some extent, and are grateful. Also, we don't endear ourselves to those who are above us on the food chain if we call them when they are busy, too, to help us with problems we can easily solve ourselves.

2.   I called it "the tip jar" both at The Plaza and in this post because it is just that.  Not just N's tip jar.  When you were our customer, there were, as I mentioned, three of us working at Coffee Paradise.  The tips belonged equally to all three of us, so if I ask N to gyp the jar of $3.24, I get gypped, too, unless of course the intention from the beginning is to re-pay the tip jar.

3.   I truly have no power to open N's drawer, or anyone else's.  This is company policy, which protects all of us.  Otherwise, when anyone leaves Coffee Paradise on a meal or bathroom break, or to carry out a duty, what is to stop me from using my magic card to steal money from their drawer?  It was a policy set in place to keep us honest, not to make your visit inconvenient.

4.   You thought I should have gotten the manager to open N's drawer to give you your $3.24.  Really?  We are trained to make things expedient for you.  Now if the manager had been in the office, then it would have been relatively expedient for you.  But it was a busy holiday Saturday.  Likely as not, he wasn't in the office.  He might have been in one of three coolers.  Or the freezer.  Or the electrical room.  Or the men's room, checking the porter's work.  Or in one of the other two stores, helping out or doing manager work.  Or he could have been outside in the shed!  He legit could have been anywhere.  Did you REALLY want to wait for me to go get him?  You know what I think?  I think if I had gone to get him, and made you wait, THAT would have been "rude" in your eyes.  If I'd given you silver, you'd have wanted gold, and if I'd given you gold, you'd have kvetched because it wasn't platinum.

5.   You made an excessive scene when we did our best to help you, and in so doing, put an unhappy cap on an already very stressful day; ostensibly you did this in N's defense.  Well, I'm sure N will be thinking of you (and not in a good way, as you made her feel awkward and uncomfortable, in her own words) when we have to do this busyness all over again in a few weeks.  Thank you for helping me illustrate to N, however, that it is possible to walk away from an unpleasant encounter, even when the provocateur is determined to carry it on ad nauseam just a few feet away from you.  That's something she'd have never believed unless she'd seen it with her own eyes.

The fact that you were (deliberately?) obtuse to the above, and not interested in listening or engaging in any syllogism on the matter, but instead were committed to mouth-ahead-of-brain says a lot about you.  Just as the fact that I have gone to the lengths of writing a post like this, when I have worked for almost 22 years at The Plaza, and have been largely silent about my job (in more than 11 years of posting on two blogs!), and the folks like you that I run into there, says a lot about my level of frustration with the amount of excrement consumption I must undertake at my job on a weekly basis.

You are not winning this blog's dubious distinction today because the things you did and said are really so unusual, but exactly because they have become commonplace.  Pervasive.  The customer is always right, aren't they?  Even when they don't know jack.

The fact is, that if you were to, God forbid, suffer a sudden reversal of fortune, and come to my Coffee Paradise to work, chances are you would be trained by me (Wouldn't that be fun?!  Could you imagine the certification test I would give you?!  I'm rubbing my hands together, thinking of it, lol).  And if you were, it would take at least two weeks before you would know enough about my job to be certified as a Big-Time Coffee Drink Maker.  That means two, maybe three weeks before you could even be left behind the bar alone.  And 4-6 weeks before you'd really be confident that you knew how to do 90% of the job 90% of the time.  Not to mention understanding the intricacies of The Plaza's foreign-owned corporation, as well as obeying the laws of four different entities, when most folks have only a rudimentary concept of how restaurants really run, evidenced by my having to explain 1-4, above.

So I'd appreciate it if you and your kind would stop telling me all about my job and how to do it, having drawn conclusions on same during, on average, a five-minute visit, Peabody.

(I thank my regular readers for indulging me by allowing me to go on a bit, as they say, for the purpose of edifying a certain segment of the population, not to mention venting).

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Mega Shout-Out!

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Thank you to all in my life, those who bless me, and those who challenge me.
Either way, I am blessed.  A Mega Shout-Out to you!

"Thanksgiving is not just a holiday, it's a lifestyle."  -- Joel Osteen

Wow, when I read those words, I knew I had to share them, and write this post.

Thanks for reading!  Again, Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Something A Little Different

Let's call this a Watch-Out.  As in Let's Don't Be That Person.

For example, last Wednesday evening's demonstration in front of Fox News host Tucker Carlson's house.  A small group named Smash Racism DC assembled, crying, "Tucker Carlson, we will fight!  We know where you sleep at night!"  From there, depictions of the protest vary, with Carlson's wife, the only family member home at the time, claiming the demonstrators cracked the Carlsons' front door, necessitating her sequestering herself in the pantry, fearing her home was being broken into.

Of course, the protesters tell a much more innocent story.  Whose story is the more accurate?

Guess what?  This blogger contends it just doesn't matter.

Because to me, these protesters had no business being on or near Tucker Carlson's private property, period.  How did they think that his wife would feel?  Or, had they been home, his children?  Did they think?  Hey, if you dislike Tucker Carlson or you believe he's a racist or a nationalist, that's your right.  You want to protest him or whoever?  Knock yourself out!  But do it the right way.  Get a permit, call the media and tell them all about it.  Carry out your protest.  In a public place.  In a civilized orderly fashion.  Not on private property, involving and upsetting loved ones who are not responsible for whatever you're protesting.  Especially children.

Don't be that person.

And then last month former Full House alum Lori Loughlin was putting the cap on (pun intended) her third Hallmark Christmas movie.

"Coming to a close on Homegrown Christmas,” Loughlin wrote, Instagraming three photos of herself and the cast and crew wearing red tousle caps that read, “Another Hallmark Christmas Movie."

“Love the show Lori but wish you would keep politics out of it. Guess we just disagree that our president is ‘making America great again,’ ” wrote Garrett Murphy.


“I’m so confused by your comment,” Loughlin replied.  Murphy began to debate with other followers as to whether wearing a red hat equals supporting Trump and his ilk's MAGA hats.  Many rightfully concluded Murphy was "reaching", as one put it.  Then Loughlin weighed in, "The hat says ANOTHER HALLMARK CHRISTMAS MOVIE. RED is for the Christmas season.  Hope that clears up the confusion. Also the entire crew is Canadian.”

Incredibly, Murphy fired back with, "Oh give me a break Lori I think it’s pretty obvious what it means. It’s also pretty obvious that you’re all enjoying excluding EVERY OTHER RELIGION by wearing those ‘Christmas only’ hats.”

Sheesh!  But evidently cooler heads prevailed, and a sensible voice who mirrored the feelings of this blogger opined, "I am a liberal and you are ridiculous.”  I couldn't have said it better myself.

People, there are those on the right hand side of the aisle who truly believe that those on the left hand side of the aisle are lawless, and that we are snowflakes, among other things, many of them not good.  Usually, this is not true.  So we must behave accordingly.  We must conduct ourselves in a way that reflects true progressive values unequivocally.  We must not be drama queens (kings), trolls or bullies.  Being disrespectful will not advance our cause.  Neither will being thin-skinned or dishonorable.  Let's take the high road.

Don't be that person.

Off my soapbox.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

You Can't What?

The Reverend Al Carlisle of the Grace Of God Church in Port Richey, Florida has a message for us:

I guess what he was trying to say was you can't be a Christian, and be a Liberal or a Progressive.  The arrogance of trying to influence the vote, as a man of the cloth, and making sweeping, generalized judgements about a large swath of the population (and this from a man who especially ought to know better) is why Rev. Carlisle is the subject of our latest Call-Out.

Rev. Carlisle, I and my panel of friends beg to differ with you.  Allow me to introduce the panel:

  1.    Martin Luther King, Jr.
  2.    Jimmy Carter
  3.    Jesse Jackson
  4.    Al Sharpton
  5.    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
  6.    Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  7.    Corrie ten Boom
  8.    Thomas Merton
  9.    Reinhold Neibuhr (the author of the Serenity Prayer)
  10.    Frederick Douglass
  11.    Fred Rogers
  12.    Susan B. Anthony
  13.    Tommy Douglas (Baptist Minister, a Premier of Saskatchewan, and the developer of the Canadian model of Universal Health Care).  
  14.    Sojourner Truth
  15.    Dorothy Day
This is just my short list.  If I really wanted to get serious, believe me, my list would be a lot longer.  See you on the other side, Reverend!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Happy Election Day!

It's wonderful to be able to stand up and be counted, to exercise your franchise, isn't it?  Except if you can't, when you should have the perfect right.  Am I talking about some banana republic?  No, this Call-Out goes out to some situations in locations right here in the good old USA...

If you live in Georgia, State Secretary Brian Kemp is very interested in your handwriting.  Better make sure your I's are dotted, your T's crossed, your hyphens exactly where they should be, and most of all make sure your signature as you vote matches the one on your voter-registration card.  Because Brian Kemp is on the job to make sure No Matchee, No Votee.  I know my signature at age 53 is exactly the same as it was at 18.  Uh-huh!

And did I mention dear Mr. Kemp also without one speck of evidence accused Democrats of hacking into Georgia's voter database?  Not one shred of evidence, but blaring it far and wide!  And, ladies and gentleman, can you you please tell me in what universe but Georgia could someone simultaneously be running for governor in the same place he's in charge of elections?!

And in Ohio, be sure to vote every once in a while, or you may be unceremoniously purged.  Back in June, the Supreme Court decided in Husted V. A. Philip Randolph Institute that states are allowed to dump a citizen's name from voting rolls if they have failed to vote in three consecutive federal elections.  This decision is sure to affect the people the most who have the hardest time getting to the polls -- low-income, minorities, the elderly.  Look for a lot of states to try this tactic to slant close elections, and no doubt this is one of those landmark Supreme Court decisions that will be brought up frequently, and talked about for some time to come, and not favorably, by real freedom-loving Americans.

And if you're in North Dakota, be sure you know your exact address.  That may sound a little strange, but not in a state where a large section of the population is Native American and living on reservations, which does not afford them the luxury of having exact residential addresses.  There was a time when a tribal voter could use their P. O. Box address, but not since the passing of the new law in 2014.

In April 2018, a US District Judge turned back this law, calling it "burdensome and discriminatory", but that opinion was overruled in September by a US Circuit Court Of Appeals, whose verdict was upheld by the Supreme Court.  Last Tuesday a group of Natives returned to court, and the original District Judge, Daniel L Hovland sympathized, saying he had "great cause for concern", but citing the Purcell Principle, which forbids changes in voter laws close to an election, refused to set aside application of the law.  Needless to say, re-election of Senator Heidi Heitkamp, may be in serious jeopardy.  Which was, I'm guessing, the intent of the law.

It goes without saying which party is the beneficiary in each of these cases, but that is actually secondary in the mind of this blogger.  My concern is that this kind of activity is going on right in front of us.  What will we, as citizens, do about it?  I truly believe the integrity of our nation is at stake, and I not only mean integrity in the sense of moral uprightness, but also in the sense of being "unified and sound in construction."  I'm not really sure of the future of any of the three.

I'm counting on you to prove me wrong.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Shout-Out To Some Special Doctors And Nurses

This Shout-Out goes out to the good doctors and nurses at Allegheny General Hospital who took care of Robert Bowers, who last Saturday killed 11 and injured nine people at the Tree Of Life synagogue in the Squirrel Hill section of Pittsburgh.  I speak specifically of the Jewish doctors and nurses who cared for Bowers in such a professional manner despite what had to be some very difficult circumstances and personal feelings.

Said AGH President Jeffrey Cohen, who visited Bowers in his hospital room, “Isn’t it ironic that somebody who is yelling in the ambulance and in the hospital, ‘I want to kill all the Jews,’ is taken care of by a Jewish nurse and there’s a Jewish hospital president that comes in to check on him afterwards?”

"We’re here to take care of sick people, we’re not here to judge you,” Cohen said in an interview with WTAE, Pittsburgh's ABC affiliate.  “We’re here to take care of people that need our help.”

A special Shout-Out within a Shout-Out to Ari Mahler, RN, who wrote a Facebook post about being Bowers' nurse, which has been shared, as of this writing, more than 128,000 times.  In it, Mahler said in part, "The fact that I did my job, a job which requires compassion and empathy over everything, is newsworthy to people because I’m Jewish. Even more so because my dad’s a Rabbi. To be honest, I didn't see evil when I looked into Robert Bower's eyes. I saw something else. I can’t go into details of our interactions because of HIPAA. I can tell you that as his nurse, or anyone's nurse, my care is given through kindness, my actions are measured with empathy, and regardless of the person you may be when you're not in my care, each breath you take is more beautiful than the last when you're lying on my stretcher. This was the same Robert Bowers that just committed mass homicide. The Robert Bowers who instilled panic in my heart worrying my parents were two of his 11 victims less than an hour before his arrival. I’m sure he had no idea I was Jewish. Why thank a Jewish nurse, when 15 minutes beforehand, you’d shoot me in the head with no remorse? I didn’t say a word to him about my religion. I chose not to say anything to him the entire time. I wanted him to feel compassion. I chose to show him empathy. I felt that the best way to honor his victims was for a Jew to prove him wrong. Besides, if he finds out I’m Jewish, does it really matter? The better question is, what does it mean to you? Love. That’s why I did it. Love as an action is more powerful than words, and love in the face of evil gives others hope. It demonstrates humanity. It reaffirms why we’re all here. The meaning of life is to give meaning to life, and love is the ultimate force that connects all living beings. I could care less what Robert Bowers thinks, but you, the person reading this, love is the only message I wish instill in you. If my actions mean anything, love means everything..."

Very few people that I am acquainted with seem to understand that love is an action verb.

To me, that young man deserves a place alongside Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.  A true inspiration.

Ari, please know this, and I speak to you as the daughter of a nurse, and one who comes from a "medical" family, with two doctors, two nurses, and an EMT-turned-Medical-Assistant: the fact that you did your job with the heart-attitude that you did is newsworthy, not because you are Jewish, but because that heart-attitude is beyond rare.  And beyond admirable.  May you be blessed.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Better For Whom?

So, submitted for your approval is the newest BS ad from the Republican Party, the subject of our latest Call-Out.

The title of this ad is "We Can't Go Back", and exhorts us not to give up now that things are getting better.  My question is, better for whom?

Are they getting better for those who might decide they need to get an abortion now that we have our newest Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who cannot decide if Roe V. Wade is settled law?

Or for gay Americans, who in 2015 finally won the right to marry?  The Republican Party is known to be quite antipathetic to gays.

Or for transgender Americans, who might, for all intents and purposes, be erased.

Or Black Americans, who are constantly being arrested and harassed, beaten up, even killed for basically Minding Their Business And Living While Black.

Or women, for whom it has never been safe.

Or religious minorities, who apparently cannot even go to church in peace.

No, we certainly can't go back.